Event Name: Battle of the Bands
Dates: May 10, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
Venue: Kausawagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Top three (3) winners of each category will receive a cash prize and a plaque, consolation will also receive cash and certificate of participation.
1. This contest is open to all title holder and “must be” a champion, of any battle of the bands contests. (Proof of Certificate must be presented)
2. Band member must have at least 1 member residing in Kauswagan.
3. All bands must perform 2 songs (1 Tagalog and 1 English song) and 1 original composition.
4. The music MUST NOT CONTAINT offensive or language and must be suitable for a general audience.
5. Band members are not to be dressed in clothes that are offensice or related the theme, messages, language or image.
6. All bands must agree to sign the form given to them to be assured that they are part of the contact.
7. Band member must provide their own musical instruments and will be able to use the support musical equipment provided.
8. The bands must completely fill-up the application form which you can get from Brgy Kausawaga Festival Secretariat before May 2024. There is a registration fee of 1,000.00 pesos.
9. Strictly NO drinking of liquors before and prior to their performances.
10. The judges’ decision if final and non-revocable. Competition will be held on May 10, 2024.
40% – Presentation
30% – Originality
20% – Quality of Performance
10% – Planning/Preparedness
100% – Total Possible Points
Content and Image Source: Facebook Post
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