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In times of discussions about how diversity and inclusion are important in companies, talking about the presence of women in digital marketing is a necessary issue and should be seen as a priority. Anyone who works in marketing or technology knows that until recently, women were a minority in work teams. When people talked about this area, the profile of the professional that was projected was usually that of a man, and most of the time, a white man. This is nothing new, but the scenario has changed in recent times. This is mainly due to access to representation and diversity policies that many companies have adopted in their selection processes. With that in mind, there’s nothing better than learning more about the careers of some of these women, right? Keep reading! Why is gender diversity in the marketing market so important? Often, companies' brand positioning does not match their workforce. It is common to see an approach to diversity issues on social media, such as the use of more women's images in advertising campaigns or the discussion of relevant topics and even the celebration of Women's Day in March.



But when a company does not put these positions into practice, we have a Job Seekers Database serious problem regarding gender representation. This process is not just about presenting a good image to the target audience; it is necessary to ensure that women will also be part of the work teams and, in addition, that these professionals also fill leadership positions. Think about it: What's the point of an advertisement or a strategic post on Instagram, for example, talking about female empowerment, when these campaigns didn't involve female professionals? This becomes even more significant when we think about us black women within this market, after all, we are not only affected by gender violence.

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we also have fewer opportunities due to racial issues. According to Mary Spio : “Inclusion is an inevitable and necessary consequence of a global economy; it is becoming impossible for companies to thrive without diversity that reflects their consumer base. As major brands seek new sources of growth in previously untapped markets, ethnic diversity within marketing teams can quickly become a source of competitive advantage. By the same token, gender equality within marketing should be a core consideration for the many, many brands that rely on female consumers.” Look at the marketing team you are part of and answer me: how many women are sharing this space with you? What is the salary allocated to these professionals? What positions do they occupy? When we answer these questions honestly, we can see that promoting change and encouraging diversity in the corporate environment is something that should be seen as a priority. There are those who are part of the team who believe that these issues do not need to be discussed in the job market, but when we participate in events in our segment, how many women in Digital Marketing do you see speaking?
