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Case #1:

Office & Home Furniture Shop

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Project Overview

A third-generation independently owned and operated building material marketer and distributor partnered with Thrive Internet Marketing Agency to get expert help navigating social media. Having minimal understanding and experience with social media marketing, the client needed Thrive’s expertise to improve its brand reach, boost follower growth and engagement and reach the younger custom builder market.

Within only four months since launching the social media marketing campaign (April – August), Thrive generated a 9,692% increase in Facebook impressions, a 112% boost in Instagram engagement rate and a 120% improvement in LinkedIn impressions.

By working closely with the company and continuously delivering stellar results, Thrive has built a strong positive relationship with the client and shown them the importance of having a robust social media presence.

The Results


Facebook Impressions


Facebook Engagements


Video/Reels Views
Since the company was new to social media, developing trust and interaction with its target audience was essential to increase brand awareness and engagement.
By creating content that entertains and offers value and effectively engaging with its followers, Thrive has helped the company achieve a significant growth rate across platforms within only six months into the partnership (February vs. August):

The Execution

Our strategies centered on improving follower growth and engagement across channels while reaching the younger custom builder market. These involved:

Case #2:

Children’s Indoor Playground

Children joyfully jumping on a trampoline in a vibrant indoor play area filled with colorful equipment.

Project Overview

The largest indoor children’s playground in the city that promises fun and adventure for kids entrusted its organic and paid social media campaigns to Marketmind Local.
Before Marketmind Local, the company worked with a social media freelancer but they needed more transparency, communication and clear reporting of results.
In order to create increased brand awareness as well as to obtain greater insights into the campaign’s progress, the company worked with Marketmind Local, and we succeeded.

Our combined paid and organic social media efforts resulted in over () Facebook impressions and a more cohesive branding.

The Results


Facebook Impressions


Facebook Engagements


Video/Reels Views

The Execution

The client needed our help at first because they weren’t sure what they were looking for. In order to meet the objectives of the customer, our social media team planned campaigns and made adjustments as needed. Campaigns for store locations, video views, and interaction with a variety of evergreen material were all part of this.
We also continue to support the client’s four different locations by posting images and videos that showcase these locations to their target audience.
Marketmind Local works directly with the client, delivering regular updates, detailed monthly campaign reports and touchpoints to keep them updated on KPIs and make them feel confident about their campaign progress.

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